Beast of Burden 100 Race Report
The first question to be answered is
how did I end up in this race? I had originally intended on running
48hrs at Dirty Girls which is held the same weekend. Unfortunately
crushing my ankle at Limberlost derailed those plans. I could not run
for the next 2 weeks and after that I could only run flat. DG is very
hilly and I knew that there is no way the ankle would last for 2 days
of running on a tough technical course.
A quick look at other 100 mile races in
the area led me to Beast of Burden. The good, course is flat, on a
towpath so not technical and less than 2 hours away. The bad, course
is flat, not technical and totally exposed to the sun. Given my
training had been aiming at hilly, technical runs I knew this would
be a challenge. I figured I would either put up a really good time
or I would struggle to finish, there would most likely be no
in-between on this one.
Pre race
Kim and I drove down the morning of the
race and arrived in plenty of time. This race starts at a weird time
for 100 milers, 10AM. Good as we could drive there the same day, bad
because if I ended up being slow I would be running in the midday
heat twice. So far the summer had been unusually cool but forecast
was calling for very hot temperatures all weekend.
I picked up my race kit which had a
huge amount of swag in it and headed for the start line where I
chatted briefly with fellow Ontario runner Brian Groot and then we
were off.
The race was as advertised completely
flat (I got 36 meters of elevation change over 100 miles) and there
was not a root or rock in sight to trip you up. The running surface
is a bit of pavement and a lot of finely crushed gravel on the
towpath. Actually a very comfortable running surface which should
lead to putting up a great time. Yeah not so much.
From the start line you run about a
mile, cross a bridge to the other side and run back in the opposite
direction so that you pass the start line but on the other side of
the canal at about 2 miles. From there you keep going along the canal
in the same direction to the next aid station at 6.5 miles.
I run along with a guy from Florida for
the next 6 miles or so and things seem to be going okay. My plan is
to run faster than I would on trail and see what kind of time I can
put up. It’s either crush it or be crushed and just end up
finishing. There will be no in between in this race. I figure since
there are no hills to walk I will run 25 min, walk 5. I mull this
plan over for a week before the race and promise myself to stay with
the plan. A mere hour into the race I end up off the plan. I feel
great and am enjoying the company so I start skipping the walk
breaks. It’s hot but not crazy hot so I kind of just go with it.
I end up losing Florida guy at the 6.5
mile aid station and back out on the course I run into another couple
of Ontario guys at about 10 miles and run with them for a bit before
letting them go. Its gone from hot to stupid stinking hot and its
only noon. It is clear that this is going to get tough. The course is
completely exposed to the sun and that is sure to spell trouble for
me. By the time I hit the turn around aid station at 12.5 miles I am
still hopeful of a good time but mildly concerned.
Kim is there and helps me get in and
out fast. I pack some ice in my hat and bandana around my neck in an
effort to stay cool and then head back out. It hits me right away, a
wall of heat as soon as I turn back onto the canal to head the 11.5
miles back to the bridge crossing. There had been a nice breeze
earlier but now that is gone and it is hot. I see a lot of people
passing me outbound and many of them don't look happy.
This race is hard. I am roasting like a
chicken on the spit at a Kenny Rogers restaurant. I stay on my
drinking, take my salt and try to take my gels. The sun has converted
the contents of my gel flask into a hot chocolate fudge sauce. It is
disgusting but I manage to keep it down. It is so damn hot and at 20
miles I feel the wheels starting to come off already. What the hell!
I begin to see why this race can be so
tough particularly for someone who does not run well in the heat. You
often see a good mile ahead along the towpath where small ant size
runners are making their way along the course well ahead of you until
the path disappears around the next bend in the canal. Everything
looks the same under a blazing sun, you can see the heat shimmering
off the path ahead and the worse thing of all is you can see there is
no shade. No shade just ahead, no shade for the next mile, no shade
coming at all.
At 23 miles I pass the start/finish
point which is still across the canal and 2 miles away. These next 2
miles seem to take forever. Finally I am in at 25 miles but things
are a mess. My nutrition has been okay but I feel completely
destroyed. The heat has already sucked most of the life out of me. I
sit in a chair in complete disbelief as Kim gets me some food from
the aid station. As far as I can remember I have never been this
messed up this early in a race. Maybe at Creemore a few years back
when it was crazy hot but that was a 50k, I didn't have 75 miles
still to go.
I sit for a few minutes and rehydrate a
bit. Kim brings me a snow cone from the aid station. Yes a snow cone
and it is the best damn snow cone that has ever been made. I tell her
I am no longer racing for time. I just got to make and effort and try
to finish. I get ready to head out but first I pop into the aid
station for another snow cone. I have to check and yes still the best
snow cones ever made.
I am back on the course and moving,
slowly but moving. I begin to feel a little better but not much. I
run with an number of different people including a girl for Texas who
was attempting the winter/summer Beast. She had done the winter
version earlier in the year where there was no problem with it being
too hot. I also ran a good deal of the leg alone which may have been
good as I remember being tired and grumpy but slowly starting to come
Soon I am back on the course again
heading inbound. I go super slow to save my energy in the heat as
soon it will be night and much cooler. By the time I get back to the
50 mile mark the sun is beginning to go down. I get a good bit of
food into me and then proceed to throw it all back up as quickly as
Back out the course I hook up with
another guy and run a bit with him. The sun is almost down and swarms
of black flies are out. I end up taking an unusually large mouthful
of flies and one sticks in my throat. After a coughing fit I proceed
to impress my new running buddy by puking out the flies, some gels
and water all without having to stop or breaking stride. He says
“Wow, that’s impressive.” I tell him not so much I just have a
lot of practice at it.
The night arrives as does the cooler
temperatures. I had hoped to pick up the pace but I am having a
problem with my hamstring. I have lots of time and know time will not
factor into my finish so I opt to run less and walk more. I get to
the 62.5 miles turn around in decent time. Its actually cool enough
to put on a long sleeve. I head back out quickly and early on I get
passed by Brian. He is 25 miles ahead of me and as far as I can tell
is in second place which is where he ends up finishing.
Its dark and I run the whole way back
alone. For the most part I see nobody. Usually I occupy my mind
during night running by watching out for tripping hazards, hills,
wild animals and trying to not get lost but there are none of these
issues on the course. Outside of one aid station stop all I see is
gravel path in the beam of my headlamp for hours. A new problem rears
it ugly head during this time as I begin to fall asleep on my feet. I
have heard of this happening to others but have never experienced it
myself. It is bizarre, I keep almost nodding off and am not able to
run or walk in a straight line. I end up spending the next hour
wobbling along the trail like a drunken partier just out of the bar
after last call on Queen St. West. Finally I can see the start/finish
turn around on the other side of the canal. The 2 miles to get there
takes forever and I roll in just before dawn.
Kim goes to grab me food at the aid
station and comes back with bacon. I have come to the conclusion that
bacon is the greatest ultra food ever invented and send her back for
more. I swear it must have some kind of magical powers. You can eat
it no matter how messed up you are. I am told it comes from pigs but
I doubt it. At least I doubt it about this bacon, this bacon clearly
comes from Unicorns or maybe a Griffin.
I have no worries about finishing now
but its going to take awhile and I can tell from the mist coming off
the water that it is going to be hot again soon. By the time I hit
the middle aid station it is scorching hot. I ask them if they know
the temperature. The guy checks his phone and tells me 84 degrees,
its only 9 AM! Oh crap.
I stagger along to the turn around for
the last time occasionally seeing a few runners well ahead of me. I
make it to turn around and Kim fixes me up and sends me back from the
direction I have come. Much of the final 12.5 miles is a blur, mostly
burnt out of mind by the pounding sunshine. I remember seeing Texas
girl at the half way aid station. She wants me to run with her but my
leg will not allow it, I am into zombie mode now.
Foot traffic has picked up along the
towpath some kids run by me and just before they get to me one yells
snake and jumps in the air. I look over as I pass and sure enough
there is a big ass snake lying in the middle of the path. Probably
would have stepped right on it if the kids weren't coming in the
other direction. No idea what kind of snake it was, maybe poisonous
maybe not, don't think I cared much at that point. Pretty sure it
wasn't a cobra or a black mamba but it was freaking big.
Just past the snake I see one of the
bridges that cross the canal. I know its just a mile to the 10.5 mile
mark from here. I am so happy I try to run some. It hurts but I don't
care soon I will be done. I run for a good mile only to discover that
the bridge I saw was not the one I though it was. Did I mention
things looked the same on this course? When I see the actual real
bridge I can't believe it and immediately fall back into the death
Finally I round a corner and see the
start finish line across the canal. I am literally 300 meters away
but still have to run 2 more miles. So cruel, so very, very cruel.
Kim meets me here to “run” me in. It is a million degrees out now
and every step elicits a grunt, groan or some other sound effect from
Some other struggling runner catches up
with me and Kim in the last half km. He chats with us a bit and the
tags along. I think he didn't want to pass me in the last few 100
meters of the race so I tell him he should go ahead if he can which
he does. Somehow this says a lot about what ultra running is about.
Finally I see the finish line and
slowly make my way across it. I am slow with a finish time of
28:16:01 but I manage to get it done on what turns out to be the 2
hottest days of the summer. I pick up my belt buckle and sit in front
the cooling station which is a giant fan that blows water mist at
you. Greatest invention ever. I little bit of cooling and then its
time for a beer sitting in the shade.
Post race
A couple of final thoughts about this
race. I had a lot of fun here, race is very well organized,
unbelievably good volunteers and aid stations. Also crazy race swag
including 2 shirts, beer mug, almond butter, bandana, sombrero. Even
though the terrain is not my cup of tea somehow I ended up signing up
for the winter version in January.
PS. thanks to Kim for driving me, snow
coning me, beering me, getting me bacon, coffee and helping me to
keep going. Sorry for almost throwing up on your shoes. No way I
finish without that help.