Well 2014 just flew by, so much pain,
misery and fun that its going to take a lot longer blog entry than
this to get it all wrapped up. I will save that for another upcoming
post and talk about what 2015 has in store as far as my own running
First and foremost on the coaching
front I have a really good group of runners doing mostly long
distance programs and training with me. Who knew there were so many
people that are such gluttons for punishment and also willing to pay
for it. In all seriousness though a big thanks to those that have
chosen me to entrust their training to. It should be a lot of fun.
You can check out what we are doing on the website.
Secondly I am in the process of trying
to organize a couple of races for the coming year. I hope to have a
lot more about that in the next few months so stayed tuned.
Last but not least my own racing
schedule is quickly coming into focus. Originally the plan was that I
was going to run both the winter and summer Beast of Burden 100s and
if the lottery gods were kind run the Western States 100 in between.
Well I got into Western so that should have been that until I woke up
the next day with a bad case of the crazies.
I had always planned to attempt at some
point to run the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning. A huge and difficult
goal for anyone little lone a back of the pack 100 guy like me. When
I got into Western after 5 years of trying I realized that this most
likely will be the only chance I get to attempt this. If I manage to
get into WS again down the road I will be older (read slower) so it's
kind of like now or never. I am not sure what will happen but I know
it will be a crazy adventure and hell what else can you ask for out
of life.
For those that don't know the Grand
Slam consists of 4 different 100 mile races run over the course of a
single summer. Each one is very tough on its own with every race
having its own unique challenges so here they are.
Western States June 27 - 28th
Western States Elevation Chart
Western States, busted quads here I come
Vermont 100 July 18th - 19th
Leadville elevation chart
Leadville, its all about the altitude
Wasatch Front 100
Wasatch Front elevation chart
25,763 feet of climbing, yikes!
I am also running Beast of Burden 100
winter addition on January 24th. I hope to run the full
100 however with the Slam now my main goal any potential serious
problems will cause me to not take any chances. I really need to make
sure I enter my WS training healthy.
Also expect to run a pile of trail
races and maybe a couple of marathons as training runs starting in
April. I know I expect to be running Around the Bay 30k, Hynerview Challenge 50k and PYP (50k or 25k). In early May it will be back
to Bear Mountain to pace my friend Chris H to his first 50 Mile
finish then Seaton (25k or 50k) and Sulphur Springs 50k. Good
possibility that I may throw in Buffalo and Waterloo Marathons to
give me some big back to back long run days.
Kim will joining me in Colorado for a
week leading up to Leadville so she will be running the Pikes Peak Ascent and then it looks like she will do Oil Creek (if she can get
in). I may join her to pace during those races.
HOLY CRAP thats kind of busy but you
know what they say keep moving or die. Want to crew or pace and watch
me suffer live and in person? Let me know!